Quest for The Hobbit

This is the beginning. One of the beginnings. It started with J.R.R. Tolkien. I was 11, he was god. I read the Lord Of The Rings 4 times that year and it changed my life forever. I developed ideas, I considered life and death for the first time, and mostly I dreamed. Of the world, of the characters, of the experiences, of the beauty and the pain. I was probably 15 when I found out that a movie was being made, by then it had already been filmed and The Fellowship was in post. Excitement does not begin to describe it.

One of the few things I can't live with is regret. After The Fellowship was released the greatest feeling I had inside me was regret. I wasn't old enough, I didn't have the ability or the experience to be there, to be a part of the world of Middle Earth while it existed among us. I saw and understood that this wasn't a Hollywood trilogy, it was made by fans, for fans and the love that was put into it reflected the way I felt about this material.

There is only one person in your life who can effect the changes that you want to make and that person is you. I decided that it was time to make my life what I wanted it to be. I loved Film and Television, I have always been fascinated by the creation and establishment of reality in your head which is not reality at all. How something on the screen can live in your consciousness and imagination and essentially exist forever, the newest form of immortality. I wanted to be a part of it, I wanted to understand it and I wanted to create it.

Coming from a little island in Ireland, the film industry wasn't exactly booming there at the time. So I made the move. Without a degree, or the money to get one, I knew I was a few steps behind. However, I have a can do attitude and passion and my willingness to work VERY hard gained me back at least one of those steps. I picked up my life and moved to Vancouver. I met some people and they gave me a chance. I did very well and got a leg up and managed to get work with CTV, for 6 months through the Winter Olympics. And then with an award winning production company based in Vancouver. But I'm running out of time.

I'm creating this page, and my blog, and will be posting videos, to share my love of Tolkien's work with (some of) the world. I'll be doing some fun Hobbit based things along the way and continuosly learning as I go. Hopefully someone out there will enjoy and understand why I have to do this - don't dream big, live big.

This is my quest. The Quest for The Hobbit.